Friday, January 9, 2009

I Know What You're Thinking

and you have a good right to think it! I haven't posted in weeks!

It looks like another one bites the dust! That's what you're thinking, right?

That I couldn't hack it? That I can't show my face here anymore?

Well, here I AM! So let me catch you up to speed.

Here are some blog titles that I mulled over on my blogging break:
(in chronological order)

Cupcakes and Cookies and Fudge, Oh my!!

3 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back

Workout Woman!

3 Steps Forward, 2 Steps Back

Not Giving UP!

Food, Food, Wonderful Food, I Love Food

Free Day???? No, Free Week!

3 Steps Forward, 2 1/2 Steps Back

Feeling Puffy

Muscle Burns Calories! Yee-Haw!

Glimmer of Hope: I Can Still Fit in My Fat Pants that I Couldn't Fit My Fat in Before This Started

3 Steps Forward , 2 3/4 Steps Back

Free For All

and finally, the latest would be called


Cause that is what I need to do.

Reset. Remotivate. Reboot.
Luckily, I've got for people working in my favor...

1) Chrissy - this is my friend who originally did Body for Life Challenge with her husband Butch.... I recently found out that she is in the TOP 3 for the big $20,000 prize! I am so proud of her and just looking at her before/after pic is motivating!

2) Tom
- Way back in August, Tom started Body for Life and he has stuck with it for the most of part. So, he tries to eat healthy and it is just so much easier to do so when the person you are with most doesn't stuff themselves silly.

3) My Sister - She's on board now... we started together, but something about the new year has got a fire lit under her butt. She singlehandedly got me to the gym today. It had nothing to do with me.

4) Amanda! - She's started a challenge on her blog... with prizes and stuff. I told her I was in and I am. I am getting a late start because I really thought Monday I would get down and get serious again but... that hasn't exactly happened. But it's going to! I refuse to look like a stuffed sausage for the rest of my life.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Ok, I know it's probably a little skewed, since the first time I weighed, I didn't give myself this advantage, BUT.... first thing in the AM, just having peed, and with only socks on.... I have so far lost: 7 pounds!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Even when I have a day like yesterday, just going to the gym and getting in a good workout, pushing myself, feeling a cool sweat, is a great feeling. It makes me feel strong and like I can do this. Working out is my key to keep this up. Cause the eating is hard for me.

Food Positives:
-I've had 2 or 3 Pepsis in 5 weeks. That's bigtime.
-I am eating smaller portions or meal replacement shakes, which I like.
-I am not having donuts for breakfast, ever.
-Before, I usually found myself at Panera Bread or Camille's for a "healthy" lunch, but I have not done that at all the last 5 weeks.
-I almost always have a good (healthy) breakfast.

Food Negatives:
-I cheat everyday. An M&M here; a bit of cheese there. I want to get to point where I'm not doing that.
-I have weak parts of my day where I just totally lose it. Usually late afternoon/early evening.
-Sometimes, I just keep on eating!

I want to get the negatives under more control, but I think if I can keep consistent on my workouts, these negatives will not pull me out of this challenge.

Friday, December 19, 2008

10 words

Mushroom Swiss Cheeseburger

Medium Pepsi


Worth it?

Not really.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear Amanda

I would first of all like to thank you for helping keep me accountable. It is your comment (blunt yet encouraging) that has kept me going the last few days.

I must confess to you one of my main problems.... something I am trying to overcome... it's just that I'd rather not know.When I made that declaration that I would reveal my weight loss on Monday... I completely expected that it would be 6 pounds or more. And that would be fat loss because I've definitely gained muscle, which is heavier than fat.

Anyway, Amanda, it was to be a great, shining moment.

But then, I took that nasty spill at my sister's house...
exercise was out the door
went to a few Christmas parties
ate more and more and more

and well, things fell apart.

But here, my friend, is what this blog and YOU are helping me to do....

not just bury it and forget it and lose it all together.

Because it would be so easy at this point.

I vow on Monday to weigh again. And even IF I've gained it back.... I will still post it and face the facts.

And then I will try again. I will learn. I will grow. Because I truly believe that being healthy, exercising and eating right is a discipline of the mind. If I'm weak in the mind, I need to face it and try try again. Or else... I don't know that I will ever, ever truly change.
And I want to do better for my family, for myself.

Your friend, Annie

Monday, December 15, 2008

Danger Zone

I recognize it. It's upon me. There is great danger or giving up or dropping out. Due to several reasons beyond my control.

*Christmas spreads - it seems everywhere I go, there is some kind of awesome dessert or summer sausage with an exotic cheese ball. The temptations surround me. I feel heartburn coming on already.

*Kids out of school - it is so much harder to get in a workout when I am not on a constant routine.

*Tom OOT - when he is OOT, it makes it waaay difficult to get the to the gym.

*My most compelling reason? I fell and hurt my knee. Bad. They don't call me "Grace" for nuthin. While running, I tripped over my sister's flower bed trim and my knee landed directly on the edge of her concrete step. My knee is black and blue and HURTS. I've got this really embarrassing limp.

Now you see why I call it the danger zone?

Well, thank goodness for this blog and for Amanda who called me out in a comment on my last post. I promise you: this blog is keeping me honest. And people like Amanda and Katie and Amy and Chere don't realize what a favor they are doing me by reading here once in a while.

I am going to do my best to make it through this 3 week stretch and NOT give up.

Do what I can to stay out of the danger zone. And Amanda, I will get to that weight thing.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

4 Week Update

Today officially marks 4 weeks.

And while I wouldn't say it's been wildly successful....

I am making some strides.

For example:

instead of snarfing down Luke's leftover cheeseburger today....
I had some cottage cheese and raspberries.

instead of buying the peachie-O's off the shelf at the bookstore this week...
I simply chose not to.

instead of buying that Pepsi treat while on office duty (such a bargain at .50 cents!)
I didn't... only because I couldn't scrape together the change.
God was behind that one, I tell ya.

instead of having pop and donuts for breakfast probably 5 or more times the last 30 days,
I have chosen oatmeal, eggs, and protein drinks. (well, and a pumpkin roll one time)

These really aren't just strides. They are like humongous giant steps.

Because to me, these are major choices. Do you remember where I was just a few weeks back?

I let myself have what I wanted when I wanted because, darnit, I deserved it.

And I probably did.

But it was poisoning me. I know that sounds dramatic. But I couldn't stop the madness.

Now, it's not stopped, but it is slowing down...

the choices are changing.